Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I just thought this was REALLY cool and wanted to share it with you all! I work for an amazing Christian Jewelry company - Sterling Grace. It's a small company right here in East Texas...so not a big chain or anything! Well...a few years ago when Jordin Sparks won American Idol, she was wearing one of our sterling silver Jeremiah 29:11 scripture bangles (it's the one on her left arm)! It turns out that the owner of Sterling Grace is a good friend of Leesa Bellesi who leads ministry opportunities with the American Idol contestants. She gave Jordin this bracelet and she continues to pass them on from time to time to other contestants!

There is a book being written about behind-the-scenes happenings and stories about American Idol and Leesa actually wrote her part in the book and talked about the bracelets! How cool is that?! Here is a link to an article written about it in the New York Post- CLICK HERE! Word on the street is that Leesa will actually be on a VERY popular tv show in a few weeks talking about this book and even giving a shout out about the bracelets! I will let you know when I hear more details!

Want to see the bangles for yourself? There are a lot of different ones...check them out!




Kori said...

I love all these products! You are so cute! Kori xoxo

Anonymous said...

Very neat. Jeremiah 29:11 is my favorite verse.

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Kitchen Belleicious said...

How awesome is that. The Lord works in ways we would never think of! American Idol- you couldn't get a bigger platform!

Vannessa@Luxuria said...

As an owner of a jewelery boutique, these are absolutely gorgeous;right up my street! I have never seen them before and am off to look at the website now. Definitely want to buy one!!

xoxo-Kristen said...

I have missed your blog! Soo good to be back & that is soooo cute! I'll have to check that out! Thanks for sharing!